My Story
I grew up in a smaller town in Southwest Missouri. I learned most of what I know about cooking from my mother, who learned from her mother. I didn’t personally grow up on the farm but I have relatives who are farmers and well, lets just say we know a thing or two about good food! I learned the rest of my cooking knowledge from my formal education. I have a Master’s degree in Family and Consumer Sciences (Home Economics to the lapers) and I taught high school for 4 years. I decided to stay home with my twins when they were born and have loved being home with them. I still love teaching and the FCS (family and consumer sciences) umbrella of subjects, so I have started this blog to share my knowledge with you.
I believe that the breakdown in the family structure in our current society is the root cause of so many of our issues. Time spent together in the kitchen and around the dinner table used to be a major part of family life. I want to bring it back by teaching America how to cook for their families.
My goal for this blog is to share with you easy, great tasting recipes that the average person can recreate in your own homes. I love to eat good food but I don’t live to cook, so these recipes will be finger licking good but also leave you time to spend with your family. I hope to give you recipes along with general cooking tips and meal planning skills. I hope you learn something and enjoy the process.
I met my husband back when I was in high school (he was the big college stud ;0). We dated for 4 years and married in 2005. We have been married 17 that’s crazy! I was over the moon for him even back when we met and I still am (if not more so) now 16 years later. He is an amazing man and father and I’m lucky to have him as my husband. He is a very talented commercial photographer. We have a studio in downtown Kansas City. I get the privilege of working with him as the studio manager.
We have 2 wonderful kiddos. They are both 10 years old…yep, twins! Boy/girl so no, not identical (you’d be surprised by how many people ask that). Twins has its unique joys and challenges and we love them very much!
I started the cookbook journey in 2020.The cookbook has always been a dream of mine and I guess I’ve been writing it as long as I’ve had my blog. It was always a distant dream of “some day I’ll write a cookbook.” I actually sat down and wrote the context a couple years ago and in the early stages of the COVID shut down I just decided to send it to any publisher that was accepting unsolicited cookbook proposals. I got a lot of no’s but then I got one yes. That was the motivation I needed to really give it a shot. I knew I wanted it to have a vintage feel and the shut down actually gave my husband and I time to try out a few photos. I wanted them to have a 1940’s 1950’s and after the first 2 photos, I knew it was going to be awesome and so unlike anything on the market today. It is truly a dream come true! The publishing journey was filled with twists and turns, set backs and delays, but I learned that any dream worth having it a dream worth fighting for and persevering through. God provided many miracles to get this book out and all praise goes to Him!
My Family
My Cooking Legacy
My Mom: Carrie
My Mom’s Mom: Grandma Lois
My Dad’s Mom: GG Barbra